The Common and Weak Arguments of Pro-Choice Unraveled

To start, know that this post will continue to be revisited and updated. The log of update dates will be posted at the end of the article.

I think you can tell from the title, I am Pro-Life. I wholeheartedly believe in the sanctity of life. I want to start the article with a thank you to my mother for NEVER thinking that MY body and MY life was a choice for her to make: if I should be murdered and torn apart. Because she agreed with the sanctity of ALL human life despite age was made in God's beautiful and loving image, I get to live into the life God intended for me.

Since Roe V Wade was overturned, my social media feeds have been permeated with Pro-Choicers spewing arguments that are complete nonsense, whether I was a pro-lifer based in Christianity (or any religion) or a pro-lifer based in atheism. I will present those arguments and provide logical and scientific reasons why they are invalid. You may say “there is no absolute truth, truth is subjective.” If you do, you just contradicted yourself already and made a poor argument. To say definitely that no absolute truth exists, you are defining subjective truth as absolute truth…

  1. My Body, My Choice

    Variations include: "women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies"

    This is just inherently wrong and is the easiest to be proven illogical. Do I think women should have the freedom to make choices for their body? Yes, and they did. There are natural consequences to having sex that are not a secret. A risk was taken. A rudimental issue with this idea is that the fetus is the women’s body since it is growing and developing in it. The human life, that is known as a fetus at this stage, is a separate body from the woman’s. It has its own set of DNA than the mother. The fetus also has its own brain, arms, legs, circulatory system, and more. Using basic science and logic, it is easy to realize that the fetus is CLEARY not the woman’s body.

    Already demonstrating how the first part of this argument is rubbish, let’s move on to the second. A choice was already made. Just like the national wide law, we do not get to just “choose” to murder a human life. A woman cannot just choose to end the life of somebody’s else’s body.

    Claiming we are trying to force people to give birth is like saying the government is forcing a murderer to not murder.

  2. It is a clump of cells, it’s not human

    Who or what determines what is human? Is it size? Is it level of development and level of dependency? If you say yes to any of these, then you are also saying that there are adult populations that are not considered human life. Atheist scientists even generally agree that the unborn human is a human being from the moment of conception. There is medical consensus on this to the point where it is even taught in modern day medical textbooks and journals. From the moment of conception that zygote, fertilized egg, has its own set of DNA just like a fully-grown adult human. Not only that, a brain and heart begin forming only a week after implantation. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is ending a human life, which is murder by definition. As we already discussed, murder is both ethically wrong and illegal.

  3. What about rape victims

    This argument upsets me. Not only does this only apply to less than 3% of people who get abortions, it is an attempt to heal evil with more evil. Rape is extremely evil, but killing an innocent human being does not justify it. You cannot heal sin with more sin. You cannot right a wrong by doing another wrong. In fact, ending a life has a high risk of bringing more trauma and shame to the rape victim. The victim of rape needs to experience healing and we cannot do that by murdering somebody. I encourage the less than 3% that fall in this category to go seek help. There are avenues to experience healing such as counseling in both inpatient and outpatient clinics and facilities. Read the story of Rebecca Kiessling, a human who was conceived from out of rape. Stop using statistical anomalies and Hail Mary situations to negate the value of the human life in the mother’s womb. The circumstance of how it came about is moot.

  4. Laws should not be based on your religion. That is why we have separation of Church and State.

    If you argue this, I am sure you do not actually know the history, purpose, or meaning of separation of church and state. A quick summary of meaning is that the government is not to bias any religious group over another. It also worries me that you do not understand how intrinsically what we believe affects what we do and what we vote. I encourage you to study the purpose and basic ideologies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Religion is our belief system and our worldview. Our worldview affects everything we think and do, whether you are Christian, Muslim, and yes, even an athiest has beliefs. We have a belief whether in the absolute truth of the Bible or your personal opinion. Laws indicate values. If each person didn’t have a bias based on their values, there would be no laws since every law places a value on something.

  5. If you don’t agree with abortion, then don’t get one

    Life starts at conception and with life comes basic human rights that must be protected, like being able to continue to live. This means those beings that are under risk of being murdered need to be protected. As human life that cannot speak for themselves yet, we as adult human life have the responsibility to protect them and advocate for them. Just like any other person that either has a developmental disability or is at a very young age, they cannot voice their needs or may not even know their needs, yet they still have the right for their needs to be respected. What if we looked at this the same way as the matter of another moral issue? I saw this done with the issue of slavery that I will present to you. “If you are opposed to slavery, don’t own slaves, but other people can have them if they want.” “I respect your choice to not own slaves, but you cannot tell me not to own one.”

  6. A miscarriage is abortion

    I just have to shake my head at the stretch that this one is. People go to jail for being responsible for ending somebody’s life, whether intentional or accidental. Maybe the drove under the influence and killed somebody in a car accident. That is still murder. If a tornado is responsible for ending somebody’s life, we cannot punish it (since it is a force of nature). A miscarriage is a body rejecting a baby NATURALLY, which is quite different than literally ripping a fetus apart and out of a the mother.

  7. No uterus, no opinion

    Not only is this ignorant sexism, it is also not how critical thinking works. A person with the capability of thinking can recognize the immorality of an action, even if they are not in a position to experience it.

  8. People will get them anyway, just unsafely

    It is insane to try to make the criminal act safer for the perpetrator. We shouldn’t make it easier for somebody to do crime and immoral actions. Should we leave our doors unlocked in our homes and invite robbers in because if they want to rob us they will find a way?

A human life is a human life regardless of arbitrary and unlikely circumstances. The situation that the child is born into or born out of does not negate the value of human life. Can we stop trying to rationalize murder to fit our convenience?

In high school, even as a Christian, I was pro-choice. My thought process was that we should have the freedom to do whatever we want in America, a self-proclaimed free country. After studying philosophy, logic, and yes, Scripture, I saw how immature and underdeveloped my worldview was. We don’t give people freedom to murder, steal, etc. With that being the case, why should we in this case? Also, I may be a citizen of the United States, but I am citizen of God’s kingdom first and foremost.

Now as a Christian, I believe that if you have had an abortion, there is healing, grace, and mercy that God is offering you. We should continue to provide care and support as Christians for those worried about giving birth. The human life is there no matter the circumstance it was brought into existence, let’s love the fetus and the mother.

To those seeking healing and wholeness from Christ:

You are loved

You are worth it

You are not alone

Last Updated: 6/26/22