
My 2 Year Story of Sobriety

My 2 Year Story of Sobriety

The summer after freshman year of high school, I started using drugs recreationally. I could attribute it to the peer pressure I endure, but in reality, it was my choice, and I wanted to do it. It started off recreationally and over the years led to a pill addiction. I could tell you the list of drugs I have done, who I’ve done them with, and the crazy stories I got from using, but that only glorifies the bad choices that ultimately led me to my breaking point. Instead, I’m going to share with you my experience, strength, and hope by telling you who I was, what happened, and who I am now.

I Had Given Up On Love when Sabrina....

I Had Given Up On Love when Sabrina....

A little over a year ago, I met the love of my life when I wasn’t even searching. I had had my heart broken a couple times and I thought it was beyond repair. I was satisfied in life with remaining single for its entirety. One weekend, I was asked to come up to Youth Haven as a working interview for a summer camp counselor. Spoiler alert… I didn’t get the job because of what I am about to tell you.