mental health

Stages of Change for Leaving A Sinful Lifestyle

Stages of Change for Leaving A Sinful Lifestyle

The Stages of Change Model is a key tool in addiction counseling and recovery. We can see the Stages of Change model active in more than just recovery from substances, but instead in any type of change we are endeavoring to make. This model even describes when the Holy Spirit starts convicting us for things in our life that are not of God.

I Tell A Story of Hope Not of Pity

I Tell A Story of Hope Not of Pity

If you follow me on Social Media, you will constantly see me sharing pieces of my story, facts about mental health, experience with addiction, and more. Why do I do this? Why am I so vocal about addiction and mental health? It took time, counseling, and people speaking truth into my life to realize that God uses the broken. We are to boast in our weakness. I do just that. When I tried living my life for my glory and how I saw best, I burned everything to the ground and hurt those around me.

God Healed My Depression

God Healed My Depression

 From a year ago to ever since I can remember, I always struggled with depression. There was low self-image, self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-love. I had no sense of self-worth. Most days, I passively tossed around the idea of suicide. Even when I wasn’t suicidal, fleeting thoughts like “what would happen if I was not here anymore” would cross my mind several times a day. I thought I was good for nothing except to be another statistic of people who took their own lives. Nobody would see it coming. I looked as though I was happy and had my life together on the outside. On the inside, I wanted to die.