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My Personality Labels

My Personality Labels

Self-awareness is important when we are trying to improve in both our areas of strengths and areas of weaknesses. We have to make sure we are building our strengths, while also working and acknowledging our points of weakness. Through many years of getting counseling, taking spiritual formation classes, and taking time to get to know myself, I have come to the realization, that I am a unique person. There are very few out there like me, which is not a good or bad thing. It is just a thing. I appreciate and love myself for who God made me to be and is still making me into. I have taken so many personality exams through my schooling and written reports about my “style” to take some time to sit back and reflect on who I am. Now, I am not saying these labels defined who I am, but they help me see blind spots and help me realize areas where I shine. Here are a couple of those labels.